Class RelevantCharacteristicFieldTerminologySynchronizer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Prioritizable, ProcessRunnerHook

    public class RelevantCharacteristicFieldTerminologySynchronizer
    extends Object
    implements ProcessRunnerHook
    Synchronizes the terminology of the fields based in relevant characteristic properties. This kind of fields are not backed by a DB physical column and therefore their terminology cannot be synchronized through the AD_Synchronize DB procedure. Note that the synchronization logic used by this class is a simplification respect of the DB procedure, as this class assumes that the language of the module of each of the relevant characteristics whose translation is synchronized is the same as the language of the module of the fields.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RelevantCharacteristicFieldTerminologySynchronizer

        public RelevantCharacteristicFieldTerminologySynchronizer()
    • Method Detail

      • onExecutionFinish

        public void onExecutionFinish​(ProcessBundle bundle)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessRunnerHook
        Executed when the processrunner ends successfully
        Specified by:
        onExecutionFinish in interface ProcessRunnerHook
        bundle - a collection with the processRunner args and the system process data